(TcoObject : ITcoObject)
provides access to :
- Context
- Reference to the parent object
- [Identity] (unique identifier across application)
- Access to a messaging system
- and other useful functions. (e.g. RTC)
Each block in TcOpen
framework should derive from TcoObject
If we stretch our imagination, we can think of TcoObject
as object
in C# (all objects derive from System.Object
TcoObject construction (FB_init)
must be constructed via FB_init
method passing in a parameter of parent ITcoObject
; that is usualy another TcoObject
or a TcoContext
eventualy other type that implements ITcoObject
As a rule, all objects should be constructed as follows:
FB_init when object is in another FUNCTION_BLOCK
FUNCTION_BLOCK myFunctionBlock : EXTENDS TcoCore.TcoObject
myObject : MyTcoObject(THIS^);
where THIS^
is of ITcoObject
FB_init when object is in another STRUCTURE
MyStructure EXTENDS TcoCore.TcoStruct :
// Before not possible
// Now
myObject : MyTcoObject(THISSTRUCT);
where data structure must be initialized within an function block of TcoObject
type in the following way:
Data : ExampleInspectorsStruct := (Parent := THIS^);
IMPORTANT!!! The compiler will not warn you missing parent assignment in structure declaration. Missing parent assignment may result in invalid pointer/reference exceptions.
Any TcoObject
can post messages of different severity ulterior use in higher-level applications (HMI/SCADA).
Each TcoObject
contains a single message holder Mime
or Most Important Message.
The message will be replaced by another message only when the incoming message is of higher severity.
The persistence of the message is within the cycle in which it was created. More about messaging here
An example implementation of station object with messaging
FUNCTION_BLOCK Station001 EXTENDS TcoCore.TcoObject
METHOD CheckStationsSensors()
Messenger.Debug(CONCAT('Checking stations sesnors, context cycle ', ULINT_TO_STRING(Context.StartCycleCount));
IF(failed) THEN
// This message will appear as MIME (Most important message on the object Station001)
Messenger.Error('Some sensor just failed');