Library TcOpen.Inxton.Local.Security.Blazor contains basic implementation of authentication and authorization in Blazor applications within TcOpen framework. This library extends ASP.NET Identity, which now can use implemented repositories within TcOpen framework. Instance of class, which implements IRepository interface can be passed as parameter, therefore is possible to use multiple storage providers (Mongo, Json, SQL).
WARNING: TcOpen.Inxton.Local.Security.Blazor is still in experimental phase. Some features may be missing or buggy.
How to get started
Instal NuGet package TcOpen.Inxton.Local.Security.Blazor or add reference to this project.
Add following line in Startup.cs ConfigureServices() method, where you pass instances of created repositories:
services.AddVortexBlazorSecurity(userRepo, roleRepo);
where userRepo is instance of user repository and roleRepo of role repository. Both repositories must implement IRepository interface.
To correctly locate login and register views, reference is needed to TcOpen.Inxton.Local.Security.Blazor assembly within app.
Reference can be added in App.razor as parameter AdditionalAssemblies of Router component.
Add following line to Router component:
AdditionalAssemblies="new[] { typeof(BlazorSecurity).Assembly}"
Also for correct AuthenticationState handling, you must wrap Router component inside CascadingAuthenticationState component.
Resulted code in App.razor should contains something like example below:
<Router AppAssembly="@typeof(Program).Assembly" PreferExactMatches="@true"
AdditionalAssemblies="new[] { typeof(BlazorSecurity).Assembly}">
After that, following URI's should be accessible within Blazor app:
This pages contains basic implementation of login and register views. Now we are able to create and login user.
UserManagement component
UserManagement component serves for managing users. It is available only if user is logged on with administrator rights.
When user is logged in with administrator rights, it is possible to modify all available users. Administrator can delete users or change roles.
For example application look on TcHammer example from TcOpen repo.