0.0 | April 2021 | Initial release |
0.0 | Jan 2021 | Components library naming |
0.1 | Oct 2022 | Component abstraction rules |
This document describes the format and practices for writing components in TcOpen. These are universal rules to observe. Each rule knows exception when there is a reasonable argument behind it.
General rules
Each component should implement basic contract interface defined in the TcoAbstractions
library (e.g. TcoAbbRobot
should implenent ITcoRobot
, TcoCongexReader
should impement ITcoReader
I/O variables
- Components must not contain I/O (%I*, %Q*) variables directly.
- Components accept I/O variables via
parameter transfer (INPUT
). - All
parameters, whenever used in methods or properties, must be checked for the valid reference with__ISVALIDREFENCE
. - The
must be called before any other call that uses the component.
I/O variables naming
The TcOpen does not use Hungarian prefixes, with few exceptions. FB_body parameters are one of those exceptions where it is required to use prefixes to indicate the directionality of the variable. For the naming consult Conventions.
- Config structure can contain arbitrary data relative to the configuration of the component (timeouts, parameters, etc.).
- Config type must be STRUCT.
- Config data structure must be named in the following format
) - Config structure must be accessible via
property that returnsREFERENCE TO {ComponentName}Config
. - The backing field of the Config property must be named
(for easy identification in the higher-level applications). - Config structure can contain multiple nested and complex structures when it is necessary to organize better the information. Nested structures must be STRUCTs and must be named in the following format
. - Wherever possible the data must be initialized to default values (e.g., timeouts, speeds etc.). The default settings should not prevent the component from functioning unless there is a specific requirement to provide parameters relative to the component model or a particular hardware configuration (drive model, gearing ratio, etc.).
- Each data member of the Config structure must be documented in the code, with an example. Whenever possible, a link to more detailed documentation must also be provided in the in-code documentation.
- Property
can be mutable (can have setter) when it is expected an external provision of configuration at runtime.
- Status structure can contain arbitrary data relative to the state of the component.
- Status type must be STRUCT.
- Status data structure must be named in the following format
) - Config structure must be accessible via
property that returnsREFERENCE TO {ComponentName}Status
. - The backing field of the Status property must be named_status
(for easy identification in the higher-level applications). - Status structure can contain multiple nested and complex structures when it is necessary to organize the information. Nested structures must be STRUCTs and must be named in the following format
. - Each data member of the Config structure must be documented in the code, with an example. Whenever possible, a link to more detailed documentation must also be provided in the in-code documentation.
- Property
must be immutable (cannot have setter).
Operations are methods that execute tasks of the component. All operations must be placed into Operations
folder of the component. Each operation method must return ITcoTaskStatus
that is typically an ITcoTask
implementation. Operation name typically starts with a descriptive verb that explains the operation (e.g., MoveHome, MoveRelative, etc.).
Operations are run by tasks (TcoTask
- Member variable of the task must have the following format
. - Each task must be exposed via a property in the following format
. - Executing logic of a task is run from the
of components block.
States are properties or methods that retrieve information about arbitrary states that do not require multiple cycles to return the result (sensor's signal state).
All state-related members must be placed into States
folder of the component.
Component requirements
Each component must inherit from TcoCore.TcoComponent
, which is an abstract block that requires concrete implementation of following memebers: Restore()
method and ServiceMode()
must contain logic that will bring the component's internal states into the initial state. Restore method does not mean getting the component into physical ground position/state; it serves purely the purpose of having the component ready for operations from the programatic perspective.ServiceMode()
method is required to be implemented. It can contain arbitrary logic that will be executed while the component is in a serviceable state.
Components naming conventions
The components for particular components are placed into appropriate library. Library name reflects the name of the manufacturer and the class of the product. POUs that belongs to a specific component reflect the product name and products' version information.
Library | Tco{Manufacturer}[{Class}] ] |
TcoAbbRobotics |
FB | Tco{Model}_v_{ModelVersion} |
TcoOmnicore_v_1_0_0 |
STRUCT Config | Tco{Model}_Config_v_{ModelVersion} |
TcoOmnicore_Config_v_1_0_0 |
STRUCT Status | Tco{Model}_Status_v_{ModelVersion} |
TcoOmnicore_Status_v_1_0_0 |
FB/STRUCT other | Tco{Model}_{DescriptiveName}_v_{ModelVersion} |
TcoOmnicore_Aux_v_1_0_0 |
Example implementation
Pneumatic cyclinder
// Each component must be extended by TcoCore.TcoComponent.
FUNCTION_BLOCK ExampleCylinder EXTENDS TcoCore.TcoComponent
// Declaration of I/O
Home position sensor.
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Home position sensor#>"}
inoAtHomePos : BOOL;
Working position sensor.
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Work position sensor#>"}
inoAtWorkPos : BOOL;
Move to home position signal.
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Move to home position actuator#>"}
inoToHomePos : BOOL;
Move to working position signal.
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Move to work position actuator#>"}
inoToWorkPos : BOOL;
// Declatation of `Signal interceptors`
_atHomePosSignalInfo : TcoCore.TcoSignalInfo;
_atWorkPosSignalInfo : TcoCore.TcoSignalInfo;
_toHomePosSignalInfo : TcoCore.TcoSignalInfo;
_toWorkPosSignalInfo : TcoCore.TcoSignalInfo;
// Declaration of tasks
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Move Home#>"}
_moveHomeDefault : ExampleCylinderMoveTask(THIS^);
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Move to Work#>"}
_moveWorkDefault : ExampleCylinderMoveTask(THIS^);
{attribute addProperty Name "<#Stop#>"}
_stopDefault : TcoCore.TcoTask(THIS^);
//Declaration of config and status members
_config : TcoCylinderConfig;
_status : TcoCylinderStatus;
// Updates I/O
What follows are two ways you can implement a task. Frist two implementations
are an extension of TcoTask and the logic is nested into those extended blocks.
Since we have the identical logic for moving the cylinder it made sense to not repeat
the same code twice but encapsulate it into derived task.
Second implmentation of `Stop` task is simplified use of TcoTask, where we just enclose the logic
of the task into `IF` statement. When Execute() method returns `true` we run the logic in the
statement. Execute() method is fired by Invoke() method of the same task.
Additionaly you can disable a taks when there are mutually exclusive action that cannot be performed at the same time.
// Disables mutually exclusive actions
_moveWorkDefault.Enabled := NOT _moveHomeDefault.Busy;
_moveHomeDefault(PositionSensor := _atHomePos,
MoveToPositionSignal := _toHomePos,
InverseSignal := _toWorkPos,
MaxTimeToReachPosition := _config.TimeToReachHomePosition, // This value comes from _config structue
PositionName := '<#Home#>');
// Disables mutually exclusive actions
_moveHomeDefault.Enabled := NOT _moveWorkDefault.Busy;
_moveWorkDefault(PositionSensor := _atWorkPos,
MoveToPositionSignal := _toWorkPos,
InverseSignal := _toHomePos,
MaxTimeToReachPosition := _config.TimeToReachWorkPosition,
PositionName := '<#Work#>');
// Simplified use of TcoTask
IF (_stopDefault.Execute()) THEN
_toHomePos := FALSE;
_toWorkPos := FALSE;
// This is just an example of using status structure
IF(_moveHomeDefault.Busy) THEN
_status.ActionDescription := 'Moving to home position';
ELSIF(_moveWorkDefault.Busy) THEN
_status.ActionDescription := 'Moving to work position';
ELSIF(_stopDefault.Busy) THEN
_status.ActionDescription := 'Stopping pressure';
_status.ActionDescription := 'Idle';
// Method that expose the execution of a task. Task can be executed in fire-and-forget way or we can wait for TcoCore.ITcoTaskStatus.Done
for the task to end.
Starts movement into home position.
METHOD MoveToHome : TcoCore.ITcoTaskStatus
IF(MoveHomeTask <> 0) THEN
MoveToHome := MoveHomeTask.Invoke();
You may notice that the I/O variables are passed as an IN_OUT, in this example. In order to avoid the need to check the validity of the references in various places in the component we have a backing variable. This variable is used inside the component and it is always valid since it is the 'value variable' and not a reference. In the following method we do two things. First we update backing variables when the IN_OUT variable is valid; we also intercept what I/O varible is being passed into the component. Although intercepting finds its use in more advanced scenarios, it can be used in the most basic setup, when the I/O varibles copy the structure/topology of physical hardware, the specific I/O terminal-pin can identified from the HMI or other higher level programs.
IF(__ISVALIDREF(inoAtHomePos)) THEN _atHomePos := inoAtHomePos; _atHomePosSignalInfo := THIS^.GetSignalInfo(SIZEOF(inoAtHomePos), ADR(inoAtHomePos)); END_IF;
IF(__ISVALIDREF(inoAtWorkPos)) THEN _atWorkPos := inoAtWorkPos; _atWorkPosSignalInfo := THIS^.GetSignalInfo(SIZEOF(inoAtWorkPos), ADR(inoAtWorkPos)); END_IF;
IF(__ISVALIDREF(inoToHomePos)) THEN inoToHomePos := _toHomePos; _toHomePosSignalInfo := THIS^.GetSignalInfo(SIZEOF(inoToHomePos), ADR(inoToHomePos)); END_IF;
IF(__ISVALIDREF(inoToWorkPos)) THEN inoToWorkPos := _toWorkPos; _toWorkPosSignalInfo := THIS^.GetSignalInfo(SIZEOF(inoToWorkPos), ADR(inoToWorkPos)); END_IF;
FUNCTION_BLOCK ExampleCylinderContext EXTENDS TcoCore.TcoContext
_exampleCylinder : ExampleCylinder(THIS^);
_atHome : BOOL;
_atWork : BOOL;
_toHome : BOOL;
_toWork : BOOL;
Main method of the TcoContext. This is the entry point of any control logic that belongs to this context.
The call of this method is ensured by calling the <c>InstanceName.Run()</c> method, and it must not be called explicitly.
This method is abstract, and it must be overridden in derived block.
_state : INT;
inoAtHomePos:= _atHome,
inoAtWorkPos:= _atWork,
inoToHomePos:= _toHome,
inoToWorkPos:= _toWork);
CASE _state OF
IF(_exampleCylinder.MoveToHome().Done) THEN
_state := 10;
IF(_exampleCylinder.MoveToWork().Done) THEN
_state := 0;